Vatel alumni are located in Europe and around the world, working in operational and senior management positions in the finest hotels. When they graduate from Vatel, they form a priceless network that facilitates the job search – whenever possible, they prefer to take Vatel interns and hire Vatel graduates to join their teams.
They propose internships and job opportunities; they receive exclusive job offers from companies; and they consult the directory to keep in touch with a fellow Vatelien or look for other Vateliens in their geographic location for support. Vatel has also opened this network to final-year students, so they can take advantage of it right at the beginning of their careers.
Vatel alumni who decide to start working after their Bachelor in International Hotel Management have operational middle management jobs in hotel chains: Front Desk Assistant Manager, Restaurant Manager, Housekeeping Manager, Sales Assistant, Cost Controller, etc. Students graduating with an MBA in International Hotel Management are offered an open ended contract on average six months after graduation, in much larger companies. These types of job require more skills and managerial ability: Front Desk Manager, Deputy Restaurant and Catering Manager, Marketing Manager, Deputy Human Resources Manager, Revenue Manager, etc.
''In Thailand, Vatel is seen as an excellent school for those who would like to become senior executives. […] People really appreciate its dynamic education founded on a mixture of theory and practical applications. The number of students who apply each year proves this.''
''In each of my internships, Vatel was not only known, but considered as a benchmark. That's why I was able to be quickly considered as the team leader and why all the Vatel alumni who worked in the same hotel or in the same city helped me out. I quickly became aware that Vatel was not only a network of different schools, but first and foremost, a network of men and women present all over the world.''
''My Vatel professors set the route for my success. It's just like if I had chosen to take the path leading to hotel management and they had transformed this little path into a huge avenue with many different roads intersecting with it, meaning the hotel departments where I did my practical application weeks, so that I would never lose my way in any hotel structure whatsoever."
''This is the first word I think of when thinking of Vatel. Respect. They teach us the basics that will be with us throughout our entire lives: efficient communication, dressing correctly for each occasion, demonstrating exemplary behavior, being on time and having self-discipline. Or in other words, respecting yourself and respecting others. Do to others as you would have them do to you!"